sound & vision

Select audio and visual work samples and featured collaborations.
To view additional work samples, please contact me.

Amelia Island Festival
Promotional Videos


Except where noted with *

Amelia Island Dance Festival

Featured Dancers: Sara Nachbauer & Jon Eden of East By North Dance

Together Apart

Excerpts from Mal’s show titled “Why We Create” at The Clemente Theater, NYC
Choreography and performance by Giada Matteini and Keon Hughes
Filmed by David Theisen

Taken You Away

A special project composed, played, and sung by Mal Stein featuring mystical movement by Gigi

  • Ismet Ertas Band
    with featured percussion solo by
    Robert Levin & Mal Stein

  • Robert Ross Blues Band
    playing “It Don't Mean A Thing”


Original Composition in 10/8

Souren Baronian's Taksim

Performing “Rooster” live at Michiko Studio, NYC
Filmed by Lee Baronian

The Hare in the Moon

The Red Curtain Project’s The Hare in the Moon
Preeti Vasudevan – Choreography & Performance
Mal Stein – Composition
Bhumenjoy Konsam – Illustrator

The Red Curtain Project is a major educational initiative from Thresh dedicated to sharing stories, ancient and modern, from the Indian subcontinent and beyond.